Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Birds at the Beaver Pond, ** 6/2/10 Broadmoor

While I was photographing the great blue heron nest, I noticed a lot of activity right in front of me in the beaver pond.

First, some hooded merganser ducklings swam by. If you look closely at this picture, or click on the image to view the larger version, you can see its wing still lacks flight feathers. They were dunking their heads in the water and they looked a little worse for it.

Then a wood duck swam by. (These next four photos are the same ones shown in the Wood Duck post above.)

Wood Duck

Wood Duck

Wood Duck

Next a bank swallow alit in a tree nearby.

Then, I noticed two hooded mergansers sitting in the sunshine.

Above is the full frame of the scene with the two hooded mergansers. The white spot just below the center of the picture is the breast of one of the mergansers. If you look closely at the top of the picture you can see some canada geese and goslings coming from the left.

Here's a close up of the upper left from this photograph:

If you look closely you can see two groups of geese and goslings in the above photo. One group is in the center of the photograph but there is also another goose and gosling in the upper right.

After the first two groups of geese and goslings passed through, another group followed them.

Then a pair of red-winged blackbirds flew past.

You can see the red-winged blackbirds in the upper right of this full frame image (above).

Next, I noticed a turtle had climbed up on the log in the middle of the scene, and another hooded merganser was sunning itself on a log to the left of the turtle. You'll notice they weren't in the previous photographs but the other two mergansers are still in the foreground at the bottom left of the image above.

Then a swan swam by.

I saw all that activity within about a half hour and I took the photos for the Great Blue Heron Nest post from the same spot. It was a busy morning.

Click on an image for a larger version.

Birds at the Beaver Pond, June 2, 2010 Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, Natick, MA Canon PowerShot SX20 IS

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